Tea Collection is a San Francisco-based children’s clothing brand that gets its inspiration from around the globe. Their textiles and designs include gorgeous prints and patterns inspired by India, Southeast Asia, and other wonderful far-off locations. I love that Tea Collection’s tagline is “for little citizen of the world”. Their clothes are well-made and seem like they can endure a trip around the world and back. Browsing their website seriously makes me want to dust off my passport and head off to a new place. Buenos Aires? Bangkok? Barcelona?
Kids clothes is one of the hardest categories to shop consciously for. It’s hard to justify spending a lot on high quality items that will be worn for a hot second before the kid outgrows them. On the flip side, there are kids clothes so cheap and terribly made. You know, the kind that just falls apart after two washings? And worse yet, we have no idea who is making these clothes. What if a child was making those clothes? Would that be weirdly ironic and horrifying? And perhaps this is just me, but WHY do so many kids clothes have cheesy platitudes on them? Thankfully, I don’t worry about those things with Tea Collection.
Ethically Sourced, Reasonably Priced, Super Cute Kids’ Clothing?!
I recently made my first Tea Collection purchase. First off, if you haven’t guessed, this is not a fast fashion operation, so don’t expect to pay $5 for a shirt. Which is a good thing in my book. Tea Collection offers reasonably priced, ethically sourced, cute, super high quality kids’ clothing. And strangely enough, this is not easy to find! We’ve been conditioned to think kids’ clothes should be super cheap because kids grow out of their clothes so fast and they will undoubtedly get stained from paint, juice, markers, etc. Seriously… keeping up with kids’ clothes is no joke on the wallet.

I admit that I have a hard time spending $35+ on a single item of clothing for my daughter because well… she’s a messy kid. Aren’t all kids? But, I am happy to splurge a bit on Tea Collection because their dresses are so adorable and can endure the rough-and-tumble of childhood with ease. I know these pieces will last awhile — and I can live with a few paint splatters here and there.
Giving Back Globally and Locally
Another thing to love about Tea Collection is that for every purchase, they give back to the Global Fund for Children. The Global Fund for Children invest in grassroots organizations to help children reach their potential and advance their rights. Tea Collection also created Fundraise with School Days that allows local schools and organizations to raise money for their communities. During those times, Tea offers 15% off any purchase and donates 15% of the sales back to those communities.
In addition to their giving spirit, they are committed to ethical sourcing. While they are not fair trade certified, they do visit their factories often, walk the floors, and observe the practices that these factories use. They ensure that they only work with factories that are reputable, provide good working conditions for their employees, and do not employ or use child labor.
Tea Collection checks all the boxes in my book… Super cute clothes, reasonably priced, high quality, and ethically sourced. Plus, every purchase helps children around the world! I can see Tea Collection being a staple in my daughter’s closet for a long, long time.
Discover more brands that give back in the Shop Social Good Directory!!