My daughter is starting kindergarten in 9 weeks. *Cue the crying* I can’t really fathom how five years just flew by. As we prepare for kindergarten, there is one thing I am absolutely not looking forward to: packing her lunch everyday. I don’t know why I find this task so daunting. While my daughter isn’t a picky eater, she is definitely a grazer. She would rather pick at her food than eat it in one sitting. And like her father, she would prefer not to eat the same thing two days in a row. I, on the other hand, can eat the same thing all week and not be bothered. How on earth am I going to pull this off?
As we quickly approach the first day of school, I started looking into ways to make lunch more fun, interesting, and enticing. But what I really mean is — figure out a way to make her eat in the 30 minutes she will have for lunch. Nowadays, it seems like bento boxes are the way to go. And if you have ever checked out the Instagram feeds for some of the bento box companies, you’d be pretty excited about lunch too.
Kid Lunches Re-Imagined

I recently got a Bentgo Kids Bright lunch box. It has 5 compartments — one large for an entree, three medium for snacks, and one small for dipping sauces or dessert — to give your kid a good amount of variety. As many can attest, kids can have some very weird quirks about their food, so giving them options can be key to getting them to eat. My kid doesn’t like her food touching each other. So, Bentgo’s leak-proof design that keeps everything stays separated is perfection.
As a mom and the person who cleans up everything in my house, it is super handy that the inside tray comes out and is dishwasher safe. It’s lightweight and durable, so it can withstand the many times I know it will be dropped. Plus, it’s made with BPA-free and FDA food grade materials.
Partnering with Feed the Children
It’s easy to forget that so many kids don’t have enough to eat. Summers can be especially tough since many kids get their meals from school. The San Francisco Bay Area is often touted as one of the most expensive places to live in the US. Yet, in my local school district, nearly one in three kids receive free or reduced meals through school. One in three! That is pretty depressing.
Bentgo has partnered with Feed the Children, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to help hungry children and families in need. To date, Bentgo has donated over $150,000 to Feed the Children.
I have great hopes that my soon-to-be kindergartener will be loving lunch time. If not, her teachers are going to have a hangry little hellion on their hands! I apologize in advance. But at least this blog post is proof that I tried!
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