Let it be known that I have a special place in my heart for upcycled products. Some may think it’s just trash turned into something else. Umm.. well… yes. Yes, that’s exactly what it is. I think I’m enamored with upcycled products because I love the idea of the “second act.” By that, I mean finding a new purpose and direction after your first act is complete. Combine that with my slight obsession with flip-flops (I blame my Southern California upbringing for that). I have found my latest brand crush: Indosole.
Indosole is a footwear company based out of San Francisco and Bali, Indonesia. The fact that they are based out of two cities that hold a dear place in my heart already scores major points for them. They take old tires and use them to make them into the soles of their shoes. Turns out tires are durable and flexible – perfect for shoe soles!
I Am a Self-Proclaimed Flip Flop Afficionado

Now, I am super picky when it comes to flip flops. Growing up near the beach in Southern California, flip-flops were definitely my footwear of choice. And I have gone through many, many pairs. I have bought plenty of super cheap ones. I have ponied up for really expensive ones. But at the end of the day, I need my flip flops to feel comfortable, have a solid sole with tread, and provide some arch support. I also like my flip-flops to have a little heft to them, meaning I don’t like that light-as-air feeling. Don’t know what I’m talking about? It’s definitely one of those “you know when you try it” qualities. Indosole checks all those boxes AND they provide a second act for old tires. Be still my heart.
I packed my Indos with me on a recent trip to Mexico. These flip flops got a lot of wear and love on this trip.

The Problem with Tire Waste
Through Indosole, I started learning more about tire waste. Hearkening back (once again) to my upbringing in Southern California, there’s only one thing I love more than my sunglasses and flip flops: my car. While living in LA is synonymous with freeway gridlock, we all love our cars. I’m not ashamed to admit it. And what are our cars without tires? Sad, that’s what. Seriously, cars are just a necessity of life now. And even if you don’t drive yourself, you rideshare or take the bus. Which both requires a vehicle with tires. Yes, tires are important.

But tire waste has huge environmental repercussions. In the US alone, cars produce 246 million waste tires per year. Globally, the number goes up to 1.5 billion per year. The problem is that tires do not decompose – at least not quickly. Sources disagree on how long it would take, as it all depends on the conditions. Left out in direct sunlight, perhaps a hundred years. Buried deep in a landfill, perhaps several hundred or thousands of years. Let’s just agree it takes a friggin’ long time. In any case, there’s not enough room in landfills to accommodate millions of tires. As a result, tires are burned which releases toxic smoke into the air that is harmful for humans. Additionally, in tropical areas, dormant tires can store stagnant water which attracts mosquitos that can spread malaria and dengue fever. Let’s face it though. We aren’t giving up our cars anytime soon.
Indosole looks for way to bridge that gap by taking the tires and turning them into something useful again. Instead of ending up in a landfill, they end up as new products. That’s the beauty of upcycling: taking something that we would probably seen as trash and finding a second act for them. In this case, it’s also addressing a huge environmental problem, which makes it doubly impressive.
Most of all, I kind of love how Indosole has taken the “soles” of our cars and turned them into products for the soles of our feet.
To check out more brands that give back to the planet and those living on it, check out the Shop Social Good Directory!