Pela: Compostable Phone Cases

I love my iPhone.  I would TOTALLY be lying if I said I could live without it.  Are you kidding me?  Google Maps changed my life, says the girl who perpetually gets lost.  Answering emails while waiting in line at the supermarket?  Yes please.  Getting my Candy Crush fix while in the school pickup line?  Divine.  Yes, I love my iPhone.  So, we take care of the things we love, riiiight?  But aren’t all phone cases made of plastic which will sit in a landfill for millennia? No! Enter Pela, makers of compostable phone cases.

Eco-Friendly & 100% Compostable

Pela makes eco-friendly cell phone cases that are 100% compostable.  That’s right… I can throw it into my compost pile (well, if I had a compost pile… which, by the way, is on the Fall 2019 to-do list) and it would break down in a couple of years.  Yay, another reason to get that compost pile going soon.  But before if goes in the compost pile, it is happily co-existing with my iPhone.  

Before purchasing my Pela case, I was a bit skeptical.  Could something that’s compostable be sturdy enough to withstand the beating that I put my phones through?  I am very happy to report that Pela cases are super sturdy and they look fantastic too.  Now, I would not drop your phone from the top of a building to test this out. But Pela cases definitely are sturdy enough to withstand everyday wear and tear.  And maybe even a one-story drop (did that yesterday.  oops!) 

Supporting Great Environmental Causes

In addition to being eco-friendly, Pela also supports many environmental causes by being a member of 1% for the Planet.  Artwork illustrating various environmental causes are etched into many Pela cases.  Causes include marine life conservation, reef protection, and climate change advocacy.  So, in addition to buying a product that is friendly to the planet, you also get to support important environmental causes to boot.  

Recycling, Composting, and Confusion

I’m not an expert on bioplastics, composting, or zero waste living.  Honestly, I find myself trying to do my best to be more eco-friendly and making better choices for the planet.  But, I also find myself confused by many of the new plastic alternatives.  What can be recycled?  What can be composted?  If I buy a particular product, am I contributing to the planet’s plastic problem?  How do we deal with a problem this big?  It’s all very overwhelming and, to be totally honestly, very discouraging.  

What I know is this: I need to start somewhere.  What I like about Pela’s products and the company is the thoughtfulness that has been put behind the entire product lifecycle. It’s no longer just about its usefulness to me.  We all need to start thinking about what happens when a product is no longer useful to us.  Will it end up in a landfill, outliving us and several generations beyond?  

Pela cases are a great example of a product that is pretty awesome in and of itself.  But, the additional layer of being eco-friendly and supporting environmental causes make it pretty exceptional.  I really hope to see more brands like this in the near future. 

Check out more brands helping the environment in the Shop Social Good Directory!