The Tote Project: Totes that Carry a Hidden Message

Products: Sustainably made tote bags and pouches with whimsical designs and an amazing message.
Cause: Empowering survivors of human trafficking
How They Give Back: 10% of profits go to a nonprofit working with survivors of human trafficking that provides education, mentorship, and coaching.

The Tote Project | Free to Grow Tote |

I own at least 10 tote bags.  Most of them I got for free — probably some promotional item I picked up at a conference or street fair.  All of them are functional. They’re great to have if you’re trying to use fewer plastic bags. But none of them are charming. The Tote Project nails functional charm with their seasonal collections of tote bags and pouches.  Plus, they are one of the most mission-centric brands I’ve come across, which makes them all the more intriguing. 

Whimsical &  Functional 

The Tote Project Free to Dream Pouch
The Tote Project | Free to Dream Pouch |

I was instantly smitten with The Tote Project’s collection.  There’s just something so damn charming about the hand painted designs on their bags and pouches.  Nearly all contain some animal or botanical imagery. They remind me of old school naturalist illustrations, but way more chic and whimsical.  These images are poster worthy, but I love that they put them on bags and pouches to make them functional.   

At $30, I honestly thought it was a bit steep for a cotton tote bag.  But, after receiving it, I noticed the bag is exceptionally sturdy and large, similar to the size of a shopping bag.  It could easily carry a full load of groceries, including a couple of gallons of milk. While I don’t know for sure, I would guess this bag could easily carry 15 pounds.  

Due to the price point, I may not buy these for myself.  Well.. OK, I’ll buy one. Maybe two. But they are definitely very giftable.  (Spoiler alert friends: don’t be surprised if you get one of these from me this year).

Ethically Made

Ethically manufacturing is an important tenet for The Tote Project.  Made with organic cotton, their products are produced in fair trade and sustainable factories in India.  They employ socially disadvantaged women in Kolkata and individuals escaping the sex trade in West Bengal.  These workers are provided a living wage, real and practical work experience, and safe working conditions. In addition, the factories themselves are energy efficient, using solar panels, LED lighting, and other energy saving practices.  

Hidden Messages

Each design in their collection is accompanied by a saying that starts with “free to”:

free to dream.  
free to imagine.  
free to shine.  
free to bloom.  

Very uplifting and inspirational.  But, one look inside the tote and those inspirational sayings take on a whole new meaning.  On the bottom of the bag, the following is printed:

I appreciate the reminder that modern day slavery is alive and well today.  It’s easy to forget since we often don’t acknowledge what we don’t see.

The tote also includes an inside pocket which outlines The Tote Project’s mission, which is to “empower and support survivors of sex trafficking as they pursue their dream jobs.” It’s hard for anyone to pursue their dream job.  But what if you also experienced unspeakable trauma, exploitation, and abuse? I can only imagine how the pursuit of that dream becomes that much more difficult. 

Empowering Survivors of Human Trafficking

The Tote Project donates 10% of gross profits to an organization called Two Wings.  Two Wings is a nonprofit that works with survivors of sex trafficking to provide mentorship, life skills workshops, and career development and training.  

Being rescued is just the first step in a long journey for survivors of sex trafficking.  They need support, education, and mentorship to move forward after experiencing that type of trauma.  Some victims return to sex work after being rescued because they feel like they have no other options.  That’s why organizations like Two Wings are so important for the recovery and reintegration of survivors. 

A Clear Mission Woven Throughout

The Tote Project is a small company with a very clear and focused vision.  They only make two products, the tote bag and the pouch, and they do them well.  Their aesthetic and brand is unique, charming, and consistent. Their mission and values are as much a part of their brand as their products.  They employ survivors and disadvantaged women abroad to give them work experience and a living wage. They’ve woven their mission into every part of their company. 

It’s clear that this brand is full of heart.  Plus, they make a pretty awesome bag.

For more social good brands, check out the Shop Social Good Directory!